It is a lovely town with enchanting naturalistic and sometimes uncontaminated scenery. Founded by the Italic people of Morgeti, it later became a Roman colony, as evidenced by some ruins found in the Rumanuru area.
In 1300 it became the property of the Sanseverino family, and then passed into the hands of Matteo Coite of Salerno and subsequently to the Di Stefano family, a baronial lineage from the lower Cilento. In 1400, the Di Stefano family transformed the Morigerati Castle into a Baronial Palace. It is the first town to offer widespread hospitality in the Cilento National Park, thanks to a project that aims to safeguard the artistic and architectural heritage of the village by making visitors discover the beauty of the area and make it their own.

You can get to know Morigerati with one of our tours:

Il Cammino di San Nilo

What to see in Morigerati

We have prepared a list of things to see in Morigerati to admire the beauty of this fascinating place in peace:

  • Baronial Palace
  • Ethnographic Museum
  • Sanctuary of San Demetrio Martire

And now let's set off together to discover the places in the village of Morigerati!

Barional Palace

The Baronial Palace stands imposingly at the town entrance. Its construction dates back to 1300, when the village was equipped with fortifications.
The palace is testimony to the desire to save the original architectural features of the village. In fact, it has a central courtyard and on the upper floor a suggestive portico which can be reached from the beautiful garden with a stone staircase.
The portico frames rooms still adorned with antique furnishings originating from the time, wooden ceilings and frescoes. In the courtyard it is possible to admire a chapel dedicated to the Madonna delle Grazie.

Ethnographic Museum

Inside the former Convent of Sant'Anna there is the Ethnographic Museum. Born in the seventies by the will of the Fiorenzano sisters, who wanted to collect detailed testimonies on the craftsmanship and peasant tradition of Morigerati in one place. Inside there are over 3000 artefacts, including old artisanal, carpentry and pottery tools, textile artefacts, photographs and sound recordings.
The Museum became a permanent exhibition in 1976 and is testimony to a thousand-year-old culture, a historical mirror of the country.

Sanctuary of San Demetrio

The church of San Demetrio is evocative and full of charm and dates back to 1300. It was built on the remains of a Roman temple. It has been restored on several occasions with very delicate lace stuccos and today it stands majestically on the red roofs of Morigerati with the Basilian bell tower with an oriental dome.
The cult of Saint Demetrius has an ancient history: legend has it that a half-length statue was found by some shepherds on the beach of Villamare around 1400.
It bore an inscription in Greek "Saint Demetrius of Thessalonica" and they decided to bring it to church in Morigerati, so San Demetrio became the patron saint of the town. In front of the church a panoramic terrace allows you to gaze out over the nearby hamlet of Sicilì.

What to do in Morigerati - the Slow Active Tours proposal

Morigerati is a destination that cannot be missed by those who choose to visit Cilento:  they will be enraptured by the views full of archaeological and naturalistic surprises. It is characterised by a relaxing atmosphere where time is marked by the bells of the church of San Demetrio. It has the Orange Flag of the Italian Touring Club, a certificate that distinguishes small inland towns for their tourist and environmental qualities.
For this reason we have prepared a list of things to do in Morigerati  that you absolutely cannot miss!

  • Visit the Bussetto Caves

    This naturalistic site is considered the most important in Italy, due to the particular karst phenomenon of the resurgence. These natural cavities were studied in 1925 by Baron Franchetti, one of the most important explorers of the last century. They extend for more than 6 km underground but only 1.2 km have been explored and climb between waterfalls and ups and downs.
    The caves have resurgences in winter and spring, while in summer they are exclusively spring water. They are located in a 607 hectare reserve. To visit them, you go down a stone ladder until you reach a wooden bridge that overlooks the deep canyon carved by the river. The sheer walls adorned with local flora, the cervina tongue and the selaginella, are suggestive.

  • Ancient Ironworks

    One of the most interesting examples of industrial archeology in the Cilento area, it was built around the mid-19th century. Until recently, it was buried by about three meters of earth, camouflaged by dense Mediterranean scrub, this treasure only came to light a few years ago. Near the ironworks the ruins of a medieval "humpback" bridge survive.

  • Trip to the hamlet of Sicilì

    A small world that opens into a fascinating landscape. The tiny centre boasts excellent products such as exceptional olive oil and tasty white figs. The walk through its pretty alleys is truly evocative. The arches offer a particularly romantic view especially at sunset.

Popular festivals and celebrations of Morigerati

The town of Morigerati offers an interesting cultural life, with numerous folkloristic and gastronomic events, which take place all year round.
In the month of July the village comes alive with students and teachers who come from all over the world for masterclasses and concerts led by a team of international teachers.
The Bands Festival is a regular event from 22nd to 28th August. Illuminations, sounding boards and playing bands, coming from all over Italy, transform the village into the capital of music.
The “Museum in celebration” is a gastronomic journey in the historic centre of Morigerati, the protagonists of the evening being the typical dishes. Various stands offer the tasting of delicious delicacies made according to the traditional recipe and everything is accompanied by popular songs that enliven the party and fill the square with joy. 

Typical Morigerati dishes

If you are in Morigerati you must delight your palate with a generous portion of lagane pasta and chickpeas, a traditional Cilento dish that absolutely enhances two ingredients of peasant memory. Also known by the Latin poet Horace, lagane have been a strictly local product for centuries. They are very similar to Emilian tagliatelle but much wider and shorter. Once upon a time, they were dried in the sun and then transferred to closed environments heated by braziers, before being added to chickpeas, which were also rigorously grown in the area.
For those who do not want to waste a single moment to discover every hidden corner of this wonderful land, a tasty dish of penne with courgette flowers will provide the energy necessary to continue along the fascinating paths of the ancient village.

Eating and Drinking in Morigerati

Among the many restaurants we recommend:
Ristorante Al Castello in Piano La Porta street, 9. If you are looking for typical dishes this is the right place. The owner, a true master of the house, will guide you in choosing the most authentic flavours.
The Osteria dei Compari in Granatelli street. It is a restaurant a stone’s throw away from the entrance to the Busseto Cave Oasis. Open only from Thursday to Sunday.

So what are you waiting for? Get your stuff reasy and off you go!