A trip is always a discovery: of places, people, culinary specialities, and also of oneself ... especially when you decide to set off alone!

And have you ever thought about it? Everybody, soon or later, are attracted by the complete freedom that only a solo trip can give us. And if you try it, you seriously run the risk that you will no longer get enough of it (forewarned traveller is forearmed)!

If you are planning your first solo adventure, here there are all the tips you will need, starting from the destination. How about, for example, the South of Italy?

Discover the destinations of Southern Italy

Gentle hills, wide plains, breath-taking panoramas over an enchanting sea: from a naturalistic point of view, the South of Italy does not miss anything! Indeed, it is the ideal location to enjoy exciting walking or cycling tours, to feel under your feet the thrill of the journey step by step.

The rural landscapes, in particular, give really unique views: perfect corners where to stop for long moments to meditate and investigate in the most hidden corners of your soul, in the shadow of a centuries-old Apulian olive tree or in a fragrant citrus grove of Campania. Let the beauty surrounding you inspire your thoughts and let yourself be guided by the vibrations of an unspoiled land, searching for a special place from where you can observe the world.

Solo travel in the South of Italy is also a journey into a millenarian history. You will have the opportunity to visit very interesting archaeological sites, museums, rock churches, ancient farmhouses, coastal towers and stunning medieval castles, devoting the time you want to each attraction, without having to adapt to the needs of others.

You will never be really alone

Get lost through the alleyways of enchanting ancient hamlets and stop to talk to the local people: you will discover the most authentic soul of these picturesque timeless villages. Travelling alone will help you to multiplicate the occasions of these precious cultural exchanges, acquiring knowledges and human relationships.

Ask the passers-by information about what to visit, chat with the old people, who still preserve the memories of the past and discover the hospitality of the people of the South. It will be pleasant to taste the delicious meals of the tradition, perhaps prepared at home or in typical restaurants, in the company of just known people, ready to satisfy your curiosity!

The typical cuisine of the South of Italy offers an infinity of proposals: every village has its own traditional recipe and you will not be able to decide, at the end of the journey, which dish has satisfied you most.

Why travel alone

The first reason why you should take a trip alone could seem trivial in its simplicity, but do not underestimate it: a solo travel is a beautiful, extraordinary experience. You will feel free to move where and how you like, without needing to discuss with no one or accepting compromises. You will have to listen only to your instincts!

Moreover, leaving with no travel companions will offer you important opportunities for your personal growth: you will be on your own to make decisions in complete autonomy. That will make you more responsible and readier to face any challenge! All this, having fun and discovering very beautiful places.

Travelling alone will not make you antisocial: on the contrary, you will have the opportunity to discover a new way to relate to the people you will meet on your way and you will learn to appreciate for their true value the people of your life!

You will also learn to know your own boundaries and your skills: you will be surprised to discover the most hidden sides of your personality and you will end up to love yourself more.

On adventures! But with the proper organization support

It is true, solo travel certainly means an increase of the responsibilities: you will have to manage moves, overnight stays, guided tours, tastings in complete autonomy. You will surely develop a greater sense of direction, because you will not have your friend by your side to point out that you have taken the wrong path (but do not be afraid to get lost, it is intriguing also to move aimlessly and to enjoy of the marvels of the world, without being distracted by the driving directions).

However, relying on Slow Active Tours, you will have the possibility to live your adventurous solo travel experience without being charged of the stress that the organization of it could bring. We give you all the information you need, from the trails to the accommodation facilities where to stay, from the experiences to live to the more technique travel tips. Moreover, you can enjoy the precious support of a mobile app, where you can follow your customized itinerary also offline!

If you choose to travel by bike, you can choose the vehicle that best suits your needs: we have bikes of every size and type, all of them are safe and equipped with high quality tools. Discover more about the bikes of Slow Active Tours, reading Bike rental in Puglia: choose the right bike.

Practical tips for solo travellers

Travelling alone could seem an extremely brave choice, that only the most adventurous ones can effectively take. But it is easier than it seems, especially if you rely on professional tour operators. We at Slow Active Tours are keen to put traveller safety first and personally test the itineraries before proposing them.

Anyway, here are some tips that will be useful before you leave, with your backpack, to discover the South of Italy and yourself.

  1. Choose accurately the destination. In case of solo travel, the destination is not as important as the journey itself, it is true. But this is effectively the first choice you have to make in complete freedom: the experience is only yours and to live it in the place you like the best will make it more pleasant. Slow Active Tours offers many proposals: choose the one that best fits your needs! You can also customize the itinerary according to your preferences.
  2. Complete luggage, but essential. Get sure not to forget all the necessary for a comfortable vacation (documents, cosy shoes, eventual medicines), but pay attention to not overload: your moves should be as easy as possible. If possible, do not bring too many clothes, but wash them during the journey and buy the personal care products directly on the spot. Do not forget a book, to be read in blissful solitude surrounded by nature.
  3. Chill out and follow your instinct. Do not think about problems that do not exist. Breathe deeply and set off: you will discover the beauty of the world outside and inside you!