Visit Moneglia on foot and discover the wonders of this Ligurian jewel full of all kinds of treasures. Here, the historic village and lush vegetation meet to create a magical atmosphere.

The village of Moneglia has very ancient origins, in fact it is believed to have been founded by the Arcadians, who arrived from the Peloponnese on the Ligurian coasts
in the 12th century BC. C. In any case, the small village is mentioned in the Tabula Peutingeriana - a medieval copy of a Roman table from the 4th century BC. - with its ancient name “Monilia”, from the Latin jewel. It refers, as reported in a chronicle from 1537, to the richness of the vegetation of the area on which the town stands, the fruits of which are compared to jewels.

The prosperity of the Moneglia area has always made the town vulnerable to attacks by Saracen pirates, who, according to legend, sacked the city, killing almost all the inhabitants and kidnapping twenty women.
The town also underwent several years of foreign domination which ended when Monelli, like all of Liguria, became part of the Kingdom of Italy.

If these places fascinate you, you can visit Moneglia with one of our tours in Liguria:

Trekking stanziale in Liguria

A spasso per la Liguria: trekking Cinque Terre e Portofino

What to do in Moneglia

Walking through Moneglia, it is wonderful to admire the numerous historic buildings and ancient churches that make it one of the most beautiful villages in Italy.
Why not decide to spend a carefree day to discover the beauties of this fascinating village in Liguria?
If you want to spend a day in Moneglia, we have prepared a list of things to see and visit in peace:

  • Church of San Giorgio
  • Fifteenth-century cloister
  • Church of Santa Croce
  • Towe of Villafrancesca
  • Monleone Fortress

And now let's set off together to discover the most identifying places in Moneglia!

Church of San Giorgio

Among the most beautiful and imposing churches of Moneglia we find the church of San Giorgio. Built in 1396 by the Benedictine monks, it is particularly famous for the wonderful works of art inside it. In fact, here you can admire some wonderful works attributed to famous artists such as Anton Maria Maragliano, Pieter Paul Rubens, Carlo Dolci and Luca Cambiaso.

Fifteenth-century cloister

Right on the side of the church of San Giorgio, there is the 15th century cloister. Built in 1484 by the Franciscan friars, over the years it has lost its ecclesiastical nature and has been transformed into a luxury bed and breakfast belonging to the Historic Hotels of Europe group.

Church of Santa Croce

Walking around Moneglia, you can easily reach the church of Santa Croce. Originally built in 1130, it was then almost completely rebuilt in 1725 due to a total collapse of the church for unknown reasons. Inside it, in addition to the wonderful gold decorations, it preserves some valuable works attributed to Anton Maria Maragliano and Luca Cambiaso. Furthemore, on the Baroque facade, it is possible to admire a ring, probably a spoil of war, belonging to the port of Pisa.

Tower of Villafranca

These include the tower of Villafranca. The tower-fortress, built around 1130, is located east of the town. Due to numerous attacks over the years, the tower was often restored and secured. The last bombing dates back to the years immediately following the Second World War, when the tower played an important role for the protection of citizens.

Monleone Fortress

Monleone Fortress is an ancient fortress built in 1174 on the slopes west of the town of Moneglia. The purpose of this construction was mainly defensive, in fact the fortress was situated in a strategic position to allow the defense of the city from external attacks. Currently, in the fortress, in addition to some houses, you can see a small castle in Art Nouveau style.

What to do in Moneglia - the Slow Active Tours proposal

Once you have discovered the wonders hidden among the streets of Agrigento, the time has come to get to the heart of the sounds and smells of this ancient village.

  • Sea and relaxation

    The Moneglia beach, in addition to being wonderfully set in the Ligurian promontory, is also an ideal place for those who want to indulge in a bit of relaxation and for families who want to spend a few days in peace. But also for those who simply love walking along the seafront and having a bite to eat while watching the sun set. In this way, walking around Moneglia, whether in the city or by the sea, becomes a more than pleasant activity.

  • Sports on the beach

    One of the characteristics of Levanto are undoubtedly the long beaches of the coast. In fact, unlike the usual Ligurian beaches, that of Levanto is a sandy beach. Here you can spend a quiet afternoon walking along the seafront or relaxing sunbathing in one of the establishments present.

  • Discover the beautiful historic center

    Walking through Levanto and its historic center you will realize that one of the most evocative things are the small streets full of small artisans' workshops and little shops selling all the typical products of Liguria.

  • Cinque Terre Walking Tour

    If you want to spend a more engaging holiday, you can't miss the wonderful trekking routes of Moneglia. In fact, numerous paths suitable for every type of training start from this city.
    In the shadow of the characteristic and picturesque houses of Moneglia, an incredible journey on foot begins that we at Slow Active Tours propose to discover the wonderful and exciting views that the Ligurian Riviera offers

Festivals and Popular celebrations in Moneglia 

Not to be missed are the numerous festivals and patronal celebrations that take place in the wonderful village of Moneglia.  
The Pumpkin Carnival takes place exactly during the days of Carnival. During this festival, the Carnival King and Queen introduce numerous parade floats. On this occasion, games, activities and events are offered for the duration of the whole week.
The Olive Oil Festival takes place on Easter Monday. During this day the village is invaded by stands and you can walk around Moneglia tasting typical products such as Genoese focaccia and tasting good wine. Furthermore, there are numerous stands of oil and similar products, the undisputed protagonist of the festival.
The Feast of Santa Croce celebrates the patron saint of Moneglia. The festival takes place in the church that bears its name on September 14th and on this occasion it is possible to attend a particular religious function and numerous civil events.

Typical dishes of Moneglia

The Moneglia dish par excellence is Scabeglio di Moneglia, a typical fish appetizer. The name of this delicious seafood appetizer derives from the typically Ligurian dialect phrase: "puts in scabescio", that is, first frying the fish and then leaving it in vinegar with onions, garlic and air spices. Walking through Moneglia and its streets, it is very easy to find typical dishes of the Ligurian tradition, such as fish-based first courses, the delicious Genoese focaccia or even the delicious Ligurian desserts. An example? Coboletti, small shortcrust pastry desserts, cap-shaped and filled with quince jam.

Eating and Drinking in Moneglia 

Here are some suggestions from the area:

Ristorante Derna in Corso Libero Longhi, 74. Quality and attention to every detail are most important characteristics that make the restaurant Derna so special. Excellent raw materials and elaborate dishes are the business card of this restaurant in the center of Moneglia.
Ristorante Bistrot Julia in Via Luca Cambiaso, 1. In a refined and welcoming environment, delicious fish-based courses follow one another to the delight of the eyes and smell. Furthermore, an extensive wine list and excellent desserts become the perfect side dish to the tasty main courses.
Assirto in Via Vittorio Emanuela, 118. Assirt is a small family-run restaurant located in the most important street of Moneglia. The excellent wine list and the friendly and helpful staff are the perfect contour to an excellent menu. We recommend you the Secreto di Pata Negra. 

So what are you waiting for? Get your stuff ready and off you go!