San Nazario is a small village nestled in a valley surrounded by three small mountains, gently immersed among olive groves and plants typical of the Mediterranean scrub.     

The historical scenery of San Nazario, a small hamlet of the municipality of San Mauro La Bruca, is very interesting, but at the same time it has many shades that are still unknown.
It is probable that in the early mediaeval period, some Basilian monks took refuge in the area to escape persecution. Here they founded a small monastery, one of the most important in Cilento, which today is the Church of San Nazario.
The town was built, most likely, in the 11th century, around the ancient monastery, already at the centre of the social and economic life of the area. Here the Basilian monks, thanks to the wise use of the water from the streams, undertook activities that would characterise San Nazario for centuries. They built a series of water mills, which can still be visited today, and began the art of leather tanning.
The spiritual importance of this place originates from 939, when the young Nicola di Rossano arrived in this village to consecrate himself to the service of God. He found refuge in the Abbey named after the great martyr Nazario and, according to tradition, it was here that he dressed his monastic habit with the name of San Nilo in 940.

If these places fascinate you, you can visit San Nazario with one of our tours:

Trekking in Cilento: Cammino di San Nilo

What to see in San Nazario

We have prepared a list of things to see in San Nazario and San Mauro La Bruca, to admire the beauty of these suggestive areas in peace. 

And now let's set off together to discover San Nazario!

The Abbey of San Nazario 

The parish church, located in a valley known today as the Lambro valley, is dedicated to San Nazario Martire to whom the village entrusts its protection. Destroyed by the Saracens, it was refounded after the year 1000 by Benedictine monks. In the 16th century it was given in commendation by Pope Pius IV to the Chapter of the Vatican Basilica, which administered its numerous assets until 1613, as shown in the historical inventory of the Diocese.

Church of Sant' Eufemia

Small and suggestive church surrounded by an atmosphere of peace and serenity. Demolished to make way for the current structure, only the ancient presbytery with frescoed dome remains, and it is in the side chapel of the current parish church.
Inside you can admire a precious and refined fresco, recently restored, which bears the signature of a certain Antonio Aiello from and the date of 1585. It represents the coronation of the Virgin by the SS. Trinity and the apostles.
The statues are also very interesting, including the wooden one of Santa Eufemia which is located in the nave in a niche on the left.

Archeological Area "Castelluccio" 

The Castelluccio Archaeological Area is located on the slopes of Mount Castelluccio, just outside the town of San Mauro La Bruca, among the hills covered with chestnut trees, lush oaks and the warm and fragrant Mediterranean scrub.
It is a site of particular importance in the anthropological field: over the last few years it has brought to light important remains dating back to the 4th century BC. It is a relatively young excavation, but of extraordinary importance for finding further information on the history of the populations who inhabited Cilento.

What to do in San Nazario - the Slow Active Tours proposal

In this small and charming Cilento village which has only two hundred inhabitants, it seems like being out of this world. We are in fact in an oasis of peace, and it is ideal for relaxing and evocative activities. For this reason we have prepared a list of things to do in San Nazario that you absolutely cannot miss!

  • Visit to the Mills

    The San Nazario area is full of ancient water mills, built by Basilian monks. These ancient and fascinating structures can still be visited today through a nature trail of considerable interest. In fact, during excavation campaigns, finds dating back to the Iron Age were found right near the river.

  • Cammino di San Nilo

    The small hamlet of San Nazario is of particular importance for the life of the Saint whose footsteps are retraced in this exciting journey. In fact, as previously mentioned, it is precisely here that the young and wealthy Nicola Maleinos decides to become the monk Nilo.

Popular festivals and celebrations of San Nazario

Various moments dedicated to folklore are contained in this small and authentic village.
The Sausage Festival, which takes place from 11 to 13 August, is undoubtedly an event dedicated to the rediscovery of the local culinary art. The undisputed protagonist of the event is the local sausage, served alone or accompanied by delicious homemade bread.
The patronal feast of San Nazario is celebrated  from 19 to 28 July. On this occasion the small village becomes the scene of meetings, exhibitions, concerts, games and gastronomic events.  

Typical disches of San Nazario

The food and wine traditions of San Nazario are linked to the culinary specialties of San Mauro La Bruca.
This small village has always based its economy on agriculture and livestock farming. It is no coincidence that one of the typical local products is the delicious “Samaurresesausage. What makes the sausage made in this valley unique is the processing technique: the meat is still cut today with a knife or as they say in these parts " a ponda re curtieddo ". 

Eating and Drinking in  San Nazario

In the small hamlet of San Nazario there is only a minimarket. For this reason, it is more convenient to move to the municipality of San Mauro La Bruca.
Agriturismo Prisco in Contrada Valle degli Elci, 2. Immersed in the splendid nature of Cilento. Homemade and genuine cuisine.
Bar San Mauro in Roma street, 60. Near the Church of Sant'Eufelia. Small location but able to satisfy the needs of walkers. 

So what are you waiting for? Get your stuff ready and off you go!