It is said that life is a walk made of beautiful experiences and obstacles to overcome, that are fundamental to form our personality and deeply discover ourselves. We find perfect this metaphor, because it fully captures the spirit that characterises every walking trip.

When lived with the maximum awareness, a walking tour leads us towards the discovery not only of ourselves, but also of the secrets of the history of humanity. Every step we take in our way will help us to understand a fundamental piece of it. This is why the choice of the destination should absolutely not be casual.
Moreover, choosing to go on walking holidays is a sustainable way of travelling and a great commitment against climate change: read our article on this.

A walking tour from Palermo to Agrigento: the richness of Sicily

Sicily has always been in a decidedly strategic geographic position, which made it a place of passage and meeting of people and civilizations.

Crossing the island by foot, from the North to the South, through a trail studied in detail, will allow you to travel back in time, discovering an incredible historical and cultural richness. Follow the traces that the Greeks, the Romans, the Byzantines, the Arabians, the Normans and the Spanish left in the palaces, the churches, the museums and also in the culinary traditions of the biggest island in the Mediterranean Sea, exploiting the pleasant climate that it enjoys all year round.

Here we propose you a new and exciting tour through the treasures of the South of Italy: pack your bag and set off with us along the Magna Via Francigena: hiking from Palermo to Agrigento.

Via Francigena in Sicily: historical notes

Magna Via Francigena is a walking route with a very old history, that has connected the shores of the Tyrrhenian Sea to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea since the Archaic Age.

In particular, during the Roman domination, this trail was equipped with stations for the change of the horses and shelters for the travellers and it was included into the imperial road system. Over the centuries, these roads were the main communication route for local people and for travellers transiting in Sicily. Through these streets, the territory has absorbed the most varied cultures and still today preserves a rich mix of them.

Nowadays, this trail has been recovered and valorised: a constant maintenance and the presence of clear direction signs make the route absolutely safe.

The stop you cannot miss among the treasures of Sicily

Relying on Slow Active Tours, you will have the possibility to live an absolutely unbelievable experience, deeply breathing the air of freedom among the enchanting landscapes of Sicily, without needing to lose your mind in the organization of your journey’s plan.

Discover with us the stages of the tour that we have thought for you!

  • Centuries of history condensate in the architecture of the Sicilian chief town. Palermo is certainly one of the most beautiful cities in Italy and in the world. The Cathedral of Palermo, Zisa Palace and many other monuments in the city have been recognised as World Heritage by UNESCO. Enjoy an entire day in this splendid city, get lost through the smells and the colours of Vucciria and Ballarò markets and do not go away without having tasted the Sicilian street food specialties, such as arancini, panelle and sfincione.
  • Our trip continues on the way to Corleone. You will take Magna Via from Santa Cristina Gela, a typical hamlet with Albanian origins, whose language and costumes are still preserved. The path crosses enchanting natural landscapes such as the Nature Reserve of Bosco della Ficuzza and Rocca Busambra and unmissable historical attractions, until you reach Corleone. The village, infamous for the chronicles of mafia, perfectly redeems its reputation with its splendid monuments, among which the suggestive Monastery of Franciscan Friars, and with the projects about legality in which the local young people are involved.
  • Prizzi, Cammarata, Sutera. The route that connects the various stages of the tour is a true immersion in the unspoiled nature of Sicily. Nature reserves, forests and rivers are the natural background of many attraction of historical, archaeological and cultural interest. The human settlements of the Elimi, Sicani and Siculi, the Arabian and Norman fortresses, farmhouses and masserie dot the trail that connects Prizzi, Cammarata and Sutera and that marks the passage into the province of Caltanissetta, in the heart of Sicily. Lastly, you will have the possibility to spot Etna, impressive giant of fire.
  • An unmissable stop is the birthplace of the writer Leonardo Sciascia, in the province of Agrigento. The journey is turning towards the end and, with the backpack fuller of unforgettable experiences, you cannot miss to visit the Shrine of Maria Santissima del Monte, in clear Baroque style, and the former convent of Santa Chiara, today seat of the Town Hall. The smell of sulphur, due to the presence of many caves, will accompany you from here to Agrigento, the last stage of a journey that you would like to never end.
  • The ancient Girgenti, with its timeless Mediterranean charm, does not need to be introduced. Symbol of the city and biggest archaeological site all over the world, you cannot miss a stop at the Valley of the Temples, where you will have the possibility to visit the ruins of 12 temples, shrines and necropolis. Walking through the old town, however, you will have the opportunity to be amazed by the mix of Arabian influence and Christian tradition.

Hiking in Sicily: the tips by Slow Active Tours

Slow Active Tours guarantees the maximum support during your walking tour from Palermo to Agrigento. Besides offering you the informative package, you can ask for GPS tracks that can be consulted offline from your smartphone with an easy and intuitive mobile app. We guarantee you the luggage transportation and the assistance before and during the trip. Moreover, we will help you to customize the tour according to your specific needs.

Here, however, some useful tips to best face your walk:

  • Wear cosy and not worn-out hiking shoes or sandals;
  • Wear layers, preferring breathable and light fabrics;
  • Bring a water bottle with you to refill every day, so as to avoid plastic bottles that are difficult to dispose of;
  • Use moisturizing cream with sun protection;
  • Bring with you a camera and a bloc notes to catch the most beautiful memories;
  • Enjoy the trip without worries!